The fourfold functions of the mind:
The human mind has four basic functions. This can be illustrated by an example: suppose I meet a person whom I had met somewhere, say, about ten years before. I try to recollect when and where I met him and who is he. From the inner recesses of my mind there begins a process of scanning, as it were, to check if there are any events stored there connected with the person. Suddenly I am able to recognize the person as so and so and finally say ‘he is the same person I met in such and such a place,’ etc. I now have a firm knowledge about the person.
Analysing the above example, we are able to discern four functions of the mind:
Memory: The storehouse of memory and impressions of our past experiences presents various possibilities before the mind. This storehouse is called chitta. It is in this storehouse that the impressions of our thoughts and actions-good and bad-are stored. The sum total of these impressions determine our character. This chitta, again, is what is known as our subconscious mind.
Deliberation and Conceptualization: Not yet sure, the mind examines the many options presented before it. It deliberates on several things. This faculty of the mind is called manas. Imagination and formation of concepts are also functions of the manas.
Determination and Decision-Making: Buddhi is the faculty responsible for decision-making. It has the capacity to judge pros and cons of things and find what is more desirable. It is also the discriminative faculty in a person, which enables him to discriminate between the real and the unreal, between what is to be done and what is to be avoided, what is morally right and what is wrong. It is also the seat of will-power so essential for personality development and hence this aspect of the mind concerns us the most.
‘I’ Consciousness: Appropriating to oneself all physical and mental activities eg, ‘I eat’,’ I see’, ’I talk’, ’I hear’, ’I think’, ’I am confused’, etc., is called ahamkara or ‘I’ consciousness. As long as the ‘I’ identifies itself with the undisciplined body-mind complex, human life is dictated by events and circumstances of the world; we become happy with pleasurable events, and miserable with adverse circumstances. More the mind gets refined and disciplined, more does one get to know the real source of ‘I’ consciousness. Correspondingly, a person becomes more balanced and equipoised in his daily life. Such a person is no longer swayed by any event or circumstances of life.
These four aspects of the mind, viz manas, buddhi, chitta and ahamkara, are not watertight compartments. It is the same mind called by different names based on its functions.
SRKS, Moradabad
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