15 Feb 2018

Personality Development: What activates the body-mind system?

What activates the body-mind system?
This is an important question, the answer to which will help us have better knowledge of ourselves. This question engaged the attention of ancient Indian seers and sages. They experimented with themselves –their sensory and mental apparatus-and after a disciplined quest they found out that there is a divine element in human beings, which is the Mind of the mind, Eye of the eyes, Ear of the ears and Speech of the speech. It is this divinity which constitutes the real ‘I’ and the eternal element in our personality. This divinity survives physical dissolution of the body. This divinity remains latent in us as long as we identify ourselves with our body-mind and the sensory system. The goal of life, according to the scripture and the great ones, is to manifest this hidden divinity.

Contact Details:
SRKS, Moradabad

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